
Planting the Seeds For Tomorrow


Intergenerational Support to Support Mutual Wellbeing


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discover phase

Our team launches into the program, by partnering with a behavioral health provider, a muralist, and a mental health peer specialist. We begin our workshop series, exploring mental health topics related to an individual’s recovery and community based topics. From there, we expand our partnership base with key community groups to engage broad sections of the community in the program. Through our workshops and our public open studio event, we develop the mural theme and cultivate neighborhood advocates and ambassadors for the program.

First Public Event of the season to engage residents around the mural location.

First Public Event of the season to engage residents around the mural location.

Participants work on theme development.

Participants work on theme development.

design phase

Once we have the mural theme, we expand our conversations and engagement activities to explore stories and symbols that will inform the mural design. We continue our workshop series and host two more public open studio events to collectively come up with what the mural design will become. Through this participatory design, we share a draft of the mural design and present it at community design reviews to capture feedback and refine the mural. Once the mural design is approved by community members we send it to print.

Family members discuss the mural design draft at a Community Design Review.

Family members discuss the mural design draft at a Community Design Review.

Children help paint the mural that will be installed in their neighborhood.

Children help paint the mural that will be installed in their neighborhood.

Deploy phase

After the mural design is approved we print the design at a 100% scale as a black and white image. During additional workshops we prepare the paints and outline the mural panels using a color by number system. The mural panels are transformed into a large coloring book in preparation for our larger Paint Festival. We host a large festival and other smaller events for people to come paint the mural, learn about mental health services, and engage in other wellness and art activities.  Our team of artists complete the murals in the studio, adding texture and details for a professional finish. We then install our murals on community walls and celebrate nine months of work with the hundreds of people involved in the process.

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Dedication Ceremony for CS 211 Mural.

Dedication Ceremony for CS 211 Mural.

One of two sections of the mural that faces a park.

One of two sections of the mural that faces a park.