As Crônicas Tiradentes
New Engagement Tools for Economic Development, Coalition Building, and Cultural Patrimony in Downtown Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Municipality of Rio de Janeiro had begun investing in public space improvements and supporting creative industries around Praça Tiradentes. Our team developed a graphic novella, exhibition, and workshop series to promote cultural industries in around Praça Tiradentes, one of the oldest and historically significant public spaces in Rio de Janeiro. I translated research of Social Networks Matter into a storytelling platform that highlighted the importance of local economies to build new relationships among creative industries and local businesses, while informing cultural programming.
How might we lower communication barriers and promote entrepreneurialism among different cultural groups and businesses? The downtown area surrounding Praça Tiradentes, a hub for culture and commerce in Rio, has suffered neglect during the second half of the 20th Century. There has been a growing interest in real estate and supporting public space programming and design to promote the area. Yet local industries and cultural groups need to be integrated into revitalization plans and public space programming for economic development initiatives.
Marketing material that highlights local economies and creative industries for the general public.
I spearheaded and designed an initiative that translated research into digital and print outreach tools to engage local stakeholders to co-design public space and cultural programming for local entrepreneurship. I translated research findings into a storyline of characters (“cronicas”) that highlight local economies and the exchange of information to engage local actors around the ways their products, creativity, and business interactions stimulate the local economies in the area. In collaboration with Studio-X Rio, we looked at best methods to promote the plaza and stimulate programming that enhances and highlights the area’s existing cultural and economic activities.
Launching workshops and exhibition at Praça Tiradentes.
I conceptualized and directed the development a culturally responsive communications campaign and exhibition using local stories to engage entrepreneurs and cultural organizations around available resources and to foster new relationships. Our team convened a coalition of cultural and economic agents–city stakeholders, SEBREA (Brazilian micro-financing institution), artists, and businesses to co-design public space and cultural programming for local entrepreneurship.
As Crônicas Tiradentes website.